Sunday, October 31, 2010

Darnton's silly circuit

Darnton is a smart guy, we all know this. I mean.. he went to Harvard and Oxford. His communication circuit is a very useful way to go through who's hands touch the book and when. However in Adams and Barker's opinion, Darnton does not focus on the right things. "The weakness of Darnton's scheme is that it deals with people, rather than with the book. It is concerned with the history of communication." (51) Today, the book trade isn't something that is the same every time. The process changes depending on the book, and how the author and publisher want to go about selling it, and getting it into the hands of readers. There are more steps in the circuit than Darnton displays. Take the printing to shipping step of Darnton's circuit. Today, when an author is in the process of publishing they have to think about whether or not they are going to make a website for their book, or a blog, or a facebook page, etc. They need to think about if they want to distribute it online, or if they want their book only in print. Therefore once their book goes to the printers, and the first copies are made, they need to start marketing right away, and to not use the internet.. just plain wouldn't be smart. It isn't as simple as printing to shipping. Books today are sometimes online before they are in print, and sometimes they aren't online until later on. It all depends on the publisher, and the author. As Adams and Barker point out, there is a "spectacular uncertainty of the book trade," and today with everything that is offered over the internet, the book trade will be forever changing.


  1. When you quoted that Darnton's scheme is that it deals with people, rather than with the book, it is interesting because it seems so opposite today. It seems that the people within the circuit are being diminished because of the ways that technology handles everything for us. Maybe I am wrong but it seems the circuit may need to be revamped in order of the book, rather then the people. What do you think?

  2. I like the comment you made about the fact that "the book trade isn't something that is the same every time." It's true that with so many different ways for texts to get written, published, distributed, and so on that the circuit for the distribution today has become quite complex.

  3. I agree. Technology now a days does handle most of everything for us. I think of going to the bank with this. I know it's not reading or anything but you now can go and transfer money from the internet instead of going out and doing it at the bank. Just like books. I now just go to the amazon and order my book or I get Ebooks.
